Cambodia – Urban Water Supply Project


Region: Asia - Southeast Asia
Country: Cambodia
Location within Country: Phnom Penh and Stung Treng
Client: Ministry of Industry Science Technology and Innovation (MISTI), Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Funding Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Date: November 2016 - On Going
Category: Water Resources and Water Supply
Service: Detailed Engineering Design, Construction Supervision

Constructions Overview

Narrative Description of Project:

The project’s impact will be expanded access to sustainable and safe water supply services for the urban population in Cambodia. The outcome will be improved water supply infrastructure and service provision in nine towns. By 2019, the project will provide a total of about 438 kilometers (km) of pipelines and about 9,600 new household connections in the towns of Siem Reap and Stung Treng. It will also improve water supply facilities in the remaining seven project towns, about 2,000 new household connections in Kampong Cham and Svay Rieng.

Description of actual services provided in the assignment:

Description of Actual Services Provided in the Assignment:

  1. Provision of engineering services    a. Detailed engineering design, preparation of bidding documents, procurement, and construction supervisions
    1. Improvement and rehabilitation of existing water supply systems in seven provincial towns
    2. A new water supply system for Stung Treng
  2. Provision of project implementation and management support
  3. Capacity development and training of PMU and PIUs in project management and implementation, through on-the-job training
  4. Building the operation and maintenance capacity of the PWWs (and SRWSA) through on-the-job training


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