Cambodia – The Regional Development Program for the Northeastern Provinces of Cambodia


Region: Asia - Southeast Asia
Country: Cambodia
Location within Country: Northeastern Provinces
Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Funding Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Date: October 2007 - March 2011
Category: Urban and Spatial Development
Service: Technical Cooperation

Constructions Overview

Narrative Description of Project:

The project aims at sustainable development utilizing abundant natural resources of the northeastern provinces of Cambodia. Also, it focuses on the public administration to provide public services upon consideration of local people’s needs.

Description of Actual Services Provided in the Assignment:

  1. Collecting the necessary basic data and assessing the efficiency of the data on the study areas; and
  2. Conducting of a technical transfer to the government officials to develop their information management skills by training GIS database system.


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