Mozambique – The Project for the Capacity Development to Realize Integrated Solid Waste Management in Great Maputo


Region: Africa - East Africa
Country: Mozambique
Location within Country: Maputo
Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Funding Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Date: October 2019 - June 2021
Category: Solid Waste Management
Service: Technical Cooperation
Brief Narrative Description of Project:

The Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) is established with sustainable manner in Maputo City and the Maputo Model is disseminated to other cities. The project purpose is that capacity for implementing ISWM is enhanced based on the Master Plan (IMIP) of Maputo City and the capacity development experience is summarized under the name of Maputo Model.


(1) Capacity for analyzing current issues and challenges of SWM in Maputo City is enhanced

(2) Capacity for the waste collection and transportation service is enhanced

(3) Capacity for minimizing waste generation and promoting 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) are strengthened

(4) Technical capacity for final disposal is enhanced

(5) Financial, organizational, and institutional capacities in SWM are enhanced,

(6) Capacity for raising public awareness on environment including waste issue and environmental education at various levels are strengthened, and experience of realizing the Integrated Solid Waste Management in Maputo City is summarized as ‘Maputo Model’ and disseminated to other cities.


Description of Actual Services Provided in this Assignment:

–        Individual and organizational capacity assessment of Directorate of Municipal Service of Environment and Waste (DSMAS);

–        Strengthen City Council of Maputo/DSMAS’s capacity on analyzing the current situation and issues on SWM by developing the action plans and the monitoring system;

–        Examine measures to improve the waste collection service according to its classification and develop a plan for optimization of the waste collection service;

–        Plan, prepare and implement a pilot project to verify the feasibility of source separation in cooperation with recycling-related actors in urban areas;

–        Organize a working group on public awareness and environmental education;

Plan and conduct public awareness raising activities that contribute to the spread of 3Rs concept through collaboration between students, citizens, and local community.




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