Vietnam – Second Northern Greater Mekong Sub-Region Transport Networks Improvement Project (Highway 217 Improvement, Phase 1)

Region: | Asia - Southeast Asia |
Country: | Vietnam |
Location within Country: | from the border with Laos at Na Meo along QL217 to Thanh Hoa City |
Client: | Ministry of Transport, Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam |
Funding Source: | Asian Development Bank (ADB) |
Date: | May 2012 - April 2016 |
Category: | Roads, Highways, and Bridges |
Service: | Study |
Constructions Overview
Narrative Description of Project:
The Project covers Vietnam and Laos and it is aimed to improve both regional and local connectivity. It will support regional cooperation between the Lao PDR and Thailand by facilitating cross-border traffic movement on border crossings between the two countries. The Project involves the rehabilitation of the road corridor QL217, with a total length of 192.1 km, including widening of road and bridges (88.2 km), construction of two bypasses (3 km), and repair of pavement (104.9 km). The project also will provide improved links to district centers, market center and improve road safety.
Section-1: Widening road and bridge for the section KM195.4 – KM107.2 (Na Meo – Junction with NH15), total 88.2 km.
Section-2: Construction of bypass road at Cam Thuy
Section-3: Pavement repair and re-surfacing work for the section KM0+000 – KM104.9 (NH1 – NH15), total 104.9 km
Description of Actual Services Provided in the Assignment:
- Provide support for (i) socio-economic analysis and resettlement; (ii) inclusion of poor and disadvantaged households; (iii) community awareness and people’s participation in project activities;
- Provide support for update and finalize the Resettlement Plan;
- Verify and finalize entitlements for all affected persons (APs), document this in the revised Resettlement Plan; ensure that the APs are given full entitlements due to them according to the entitlement matrix; support the APs to undertake livelihood restoration and income generation activities as per the final Resettlement Plan;
- Set up internal monitoring system on the project’s social and resettlement issues and requirements; coordinate with relevant parties, including civil society organizations, on social/resettlement activities/requirements of the project;
- Perform social impact monitoring surveys in project areas as part of project performance monitoring and evaluation;
- Prepare necessary reports on social related issues and provide on-the-job training for local experts;
- Develop framework and conduct Benefit Monitoring Evaluation of the Project;
- Prepare a monitoring and evaluation program that will enable the effectiveness of implementation activities for the Project to be assessed, giving particular consideration to (i) precise description, timeliness, cost and quality of physical infrastructure implemented in the Project, (ii) integrity of resettlement and related programs, and (iii) effectiveness of capacity building activities