Comprehensive Master Plan for the Clark Green City


Categories: Urban, Rural and Regional Development
Client: Philippine Japan Initiative for CGC Inc.
Date: July 2016 - July 2017
Country: Philippines
Location: Central Luzon
Region: Southeast Asia

Constructions Overview

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

In Central Luzon in Philippines, Clark is expected to be developed as a core city of the region. The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (hereafter BCDA) which is in charge of re-development of former US Military Bases in Clark has plans to develop “Clark Green City” (hereafter, CGC) as new modern city, and the conceptual master plan has been approved by the Government of Philippines in May 2014. Meantime, BCDA and Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport & Urban Development (JOIN) have signed the Joint Venture Agreement, and have established the Philippine Japan Initiative for CGC Inc. (PJIC) to prepare and formulate a comprehensive master development plan (CMDP) of CGC in March 2016. In this regard, the PJIC is seeking to employ consultants to formulate CMDP of CGC.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided:

Services include site survey and review of current status and potential, formulation of development vision and conceptual plan, land use distribution and public utilities lay-out plan, preliminary design of infrastructure, initial environmental examination (IEE), project implementation scheme, business plan, fast track infrastructure planning, Japan-oriented park planning, and smart medical park study.



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