Agno River Flood Control Project

Pangasinan and Tarlac, Philippines


Categories: Flood Control & Drainage
Client: Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Date: 1991-1992
Country: Philippines
Location: Pangasinan and Tarlac Philippines
Region: Southeast Asia

Agno Flood Control Project Phase I


The project consists of the urgent rehabilitation works in the lower Agno and upper Sinocalan Rivers, which have been identified and prioritized based on the feasibility study for the Agno and Allied Rivers conducted in 1991. The civil works include the following components:

  1. New Channeling and Channel: Bugallon; L = 1,650 m, Urbiztondo; L = 2,560 m; Improvement by Dredging and Ambayet; L = 850 m; also dredging along the lower Agno River stretch, 54 km (volume = 8.8 million cu.m.3)
  2. Bugallon Bridge: Length of 392.5 m (11 spans, 7.3 m roadway)
  3. Dike Heightening: Left dike of lower Agno near Aguilar 1-2 m height, Length = 3km, Volume = 93,000 m2.
  4. Revetment: Gabion mattress type; 11,500 m for lower Agno River, 1,800 m for upper Sinocalan River
  5. Rubble masonry type: 900 m for lower Agno River, 1,000 m for upper Sinocalan River, Total revetment length = 14,200 m


The Consultant’s scope of work involved the following tasks subdivided into three (3) phases:

Phase I – Pre-Construction Stage – review of detailed engineering design of all components which were undertaken earlier, and detailed engineering design of added components in all of which PKII was involved and assistance during tendering;
Phase II – Construction Stage – construction supervision and management including environmental study and monitoring; and
Phase III – Consultant’s Close-Out Activities – preparation of completion report, maintenance manual, as-built plans and engineering study report.
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Agno Flood Control Project Phase II


As the second phase of the Agno River Flood Control Project, it involves the improvement of river stretch from Wawa Bridge to the entrance of the existing floodway with the following features:

1st stretch

  1. Excavation of low water channel, construction of 11.9 km new dikes (0.7 km counterweight and 1.4 km revetment);

2nd stretch

  1. Construction of 4.4 km guide channel; approach channel excavation (0.79 mil. cu. m); 11.7 km closure dike; 3.3 km revetment; 0.9 km spur dike, diversion structures and riverbed protection works;
  2. Construction of 4.4 km guide channel; approach channel excavation (0.79 mil. cu. m); 11.7 km closure dike; 3.3 km revetment; 0.9 km spur dike, diversion structures and riverbed protection works;
  3. Construction of floodway control weir and 1.4 km spur dike; and
  4. Construction of Hector Mendoza Bridge (11 spans, about 1 km long). It also includes the study and implementation of a Social Development Component and a Resettlement Site Development for the Poponto Retarding Basin Area.


Pre-Construction Stage – review of detailed design, prepared under ARFP in 1995, detailed design of additional components, watershed management study, ediment balance study for Tarlac River, ECC monitoring, squatter resettlement and land acquisition, and assistance during tendering;
Construction Stage – construction supervision and management of all the project components, including safety, traffic and cost control during Project implementation;
Social Development Scheme – study, design and monitoring of resettlement site development, preparation and implementation of Livelihood Program including monitoring of compensation package, rapid rural appraisal on coping mechanisms against floods, coordination of consultation with local communities, study, design, training and implementation of integrated non-structural countermeasures against floods, etc.; and
Consultant’s Close-Out Activities – preparation of completion report, maintenance manual, as-built plans and engineering study report.


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