NKG Training Workshop 2019

November 18, 2019


On September 10, 2019, PKII received an invitation from NK-Tokyo for the “NK Group Training Workshop 2019” to be held in Tokyo from November 11 to 15. This training workshop has been held at Tokyo Head Office on annual basis. This is the 6th time since it started in 2014. For the record, there are already 91 managers and staff of NK Group Companies including this year’s participants who have attended in the Training workshop.

Activities and Highlights of the Training Workshop.

This year’s program includes a one-day visit to Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Area which is the first time introduced in the program. Yukinori Aida, a Land Readjustment Planner from the Urban department, gave a lecture about introduction and planning method of TOD in Japan. After the lecture, a well-known case of TOD at Tama Plaza Station in Denentoshi Line of Tokyo Railway in Yokohama City was visited.

A tour to NK Research and Development Center in Tsukuba was conducted the following day. NK Research and Development has many experimental facilities to mention the latest technology such as AI and VR.


This year’s participants in the Training Workshop. Photo taken during visit at TAMA Plaza showcasing the OTD planning method.


NK Research and Development Center at Tsukuba. Simulations of various flood events were modelled.


Presentation of a case in Site Construction in the Technical Workshop.


PKII Engineers at work during the Technical Workshop.


The NKG participants during the presentation proper.


Project Presentation and Introduction of Company during the last day of the Technical Workshop.



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